Comic Strips in Croatia Before WWII

Comic Strips in Croatia After WWII

The First Adventure Comic Strip

Burne Hogarth, 1911-1996

SF classics: Flash Gordon

Tarzan of the Apes
n the
beginning, this web site was dedicated to the couple of unusual
anniversaries; 100 years of comic strips and 60 years of comic strips
in Croatia. But it outgrew my first ideas and aspirations. Now,
this bunch of 100+ web pages is dedicated to the everyone in love
with the comic strip art. And the purpose of this web-site is far
more to reach in this way we call upon our minds the generations
of all cartoonists & comic artists who unselfishly engaged themselves
in creating the body of work of extraordinary imagination, the everlasting
spring of inspiration for the generations to come.
I hope this web site will encourage young authors, cartoonists,
writers, critics and laymen to contribute in creating much richer
comic strip tradition, both in the Croatia and the whole world.
¶ Z V O N I M I

Anniversary pages
History of Croatian Comics, part one and two. This article
talks about the first Croatian comic strip issued in 1935 and it
briefly describes all the major events in the Croatian comic strip
history from 1935 till mid seventies. Many pictures and illustrations
The First Adventure Comic Strip. Highly readable and very
interesting article about the twenties and thirties, when the realistic
adventure comic strip appeared, thus blessing the whole history
of cartooning. Many pictures and illustrations included.
In memoriam, Burne Hogarth. Whenever a great artist passes
away, we feel the emptiness and loss in our hearts. Burne Hogarth
was undoubtely one of the greatest comic strip and visual artist
of our time.
SF Classics: Flash Gordon. A popular hero of the American
newspaper comics and his creator, Alexander Raymond, deserved their
special place on this Web pages.
Tarzan of the Apes. Worldwide famous and legendary comic
hero of the adventure comics. Tarzan is an universal icon of high
adventure and unbounded human spirit, of everlasting human thirst
for freedom ...